Monday, 2 December 2019

Letter to the Editor,  not published in the Sunday Times,  1st December 2019

It is encouraging to hear that, following his experiences in a dried-up river in south-east
Asia, Jeremy Clarkson is now taking a more sympathetic view of environmentalism.
However before  embracing current climate dogmas he might ask some questions:  has
anything similar happened in the last 100 or 150 years (before atmospheric carbon dioxide
reached present levels ) and what do local experts regard as the cause of the present
problems in the river?  I have tried to elucidate the issues in a general way in a report
recently published by Farsight Research, called "Global warming re-examined", and will
send him a complimentary copy.
I believe that the climate debate as currently carried on obscures the two most
important environmental problems:  the long, slow, relentless battle between civilisation
and the motor car;  and population growth, mainly from immigration, leading to endless
demands for more housing.